Monday, September 8, 2008

Adventures of On-line Dating

I has been asked to blog about my various Adventures.  To protect the innocent, we will forgo names.  This whole adventure started after visiting my friend from the UP in Buford.  After talking with her, I came to some realizations about my life.  Basically, decided to get on with it:)
I have a sister who met her hubby on-line.  Someone said that they thought they were the most well-adjusted couple in the family. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. 
Anywho, decided to to go on this adventure.  Has been quite a roller coaster.  It has had many ups and downs.  Many of them before I ever decided to meet one contact.  
These sites do not screen people so one has to be very careful.  There are people who are sincere in their effort (a tad bit desperate), some who are looking for their "soul mate" (fat chance), some looking for the perfect person (never going to happen),  some looking for someone to complete them (if they aren't complete by now, they need to go to heaven), and some just looking around to see what they can stir up.
ME?  Well I posted a quote because I will not post a "shopping list" for a man.  That is just humiliating.  
Honest men esteem and value nothing so much in this
 world as a real friend.  Such a one is as it were another self, 
to whom we impart our most secret thoughts, who partakes of our 
joy, and comforts us in our affliction; add to this, 
that his company is an everlasting pleasure to us. -Bidpai

Most sites ask routine questions about what you like and don't like.  
  • My number one dislike is smoking.  Don't you know, they still send me one-to-one matches and the man smokes.  Sorry, but not into kissing ashtrays.  YUCKO!
  • Number two was the racial boundaries.  Not going there.  Need white or some pigment of white.  Not brown.  Again, I do not think they can read.  Every brown man on the site found my in-box.  When you tell them not interested, they start with the racial stuff.  OH MY HEAD!  Can you people not read?  It says no brown people need apply:)
  • Number three is the one where they all get in trouble.  I have heard every explanation of Christian you can think of.  Did not know there were so many.  This is where a debate could get started but when they start to justify, I know then and there all is not right in Denmark.
And we are just getting started!

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