Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John Three

was scary. The photos he posted and what he actually was were worlds apart. Wonder how old the photos were? We went to Helen as planned to hang out. One thing for sure, he was not interesting but the whole experience was. I should have had someone call to say that they needed me or something. He unloaded several facts on me that I didn't think to ask. I do now:) Like he had been married three times!
Anywho, we then proceeded to go on a five mile hike and about killed him. He was chubby for one. Waddled number two. Three, sweated profusely. I didn't want him too close so I stayed way ahead.
Zoe had gone with us. Mistake:) She decided she liked him and asked in front of him mind you, "Can we keep him"? At that point, it was acutely evident that it was not going any further. This John made me really think hard about meeting more. He was a tad bit scary in more ways than one. YIKES!
However, you will be overjoyed to know that there was a John 4.
Tune in next time for the continuing saga of the "JOHNS". Sounds horribly like a raunchy movie.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

John Two

A 6'6 gorgeous hunk of man with a Harley showed up in Helen to spend the day with little ole me.  Well, I was a tad bit late which I think ticked him off from the beginning.  I was doomed before I even got there.  Mom and Dad had just gotten home from MA and told mom I would take her to the Post Office to pick up the mail.  Left a little late from my house.  Well, mother got a tad bit confused as to where she was and with whom so it took me a few minutes to get her in MY truck and she was chatting with Pastor Phillips.  Got her back home and headed over the mountain to Helen.  I still had enough time to squeak in but wouldn't you know, every biker (motorized and non-motorized) was riding on the mountain that day.  It took me forever but thought I was ok until I hit the traffic jam in Helen.  The heat from the street was radiating skyward in waves.  
I couldn't call him as no cell service on the mountain.  As I was getting closer, I missed my turn in so had to go down a few blocks to flip around.  More traffic.  Finally got into the parking lot and there were no spots to park.  Went around twice.  Third time I stopped to honk and tell him I was there but needed to go find a place to park.  While I was talking, the truck in front of me backed out and in I went:)
I had investigated various hiking options and falls in the area on the computer.  Had not been to any of them.  Told him that.  Was not familiar with Helen.  Told him that.  Off to Raven Cliff Falls we went.  Gravel road.  Not happy.  How was I to know?  Didn't want to hike.  Oh boy.
He was playing Sheryl Crow - the Fun in the Sun song and I am on the back be bopping.  He yells for me to take it easy on him:)  Yikes.  Forgot.
So we went back the way we came to Unicoi Falls and Park.  He passed the turn off twice.  I was getting more nervous by the minute.  Could not figure out what the heck was going on.  He decided we needed to ride over to Dahlonega to eat.  We only eat at Moe's when we are there.  I proposed that.  When we get there he informs me he does not eat Mexican food so went to the rib place next door.  
Anywho, we talked for a bit.  Not much and started back to  Helen.  He informed me he needed to be back by 3:00 to meet someone he had not even called yet.  Not totally dumb so at that point, just enjoyed the ride.  When we got back, it was awkward.  Weird.  He was so withdrawn.  Disassociated. 
It was strange from beginning to end but we had talked on the IM for two weeks previous to that.  Got no strange vibes then. Didn't even get close enough to this one to sneak a sniff.  
My conclusion - the guy was altogether into looks.  I didn't qualify which is fine.  He was just not man enough to tell me.  Knothead.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

John One

From SC.  One of eight.  Shaves his head.  Construction engineer.  Has a two year old.  LIves on a farm.  Has 50 cows, which includes calves.  Good Kisser.   Has an old tractor which he uses for bush hogging.   Likes to hike and explore.  He talks more than Cindy.  Nonstop.  He's a twin.  Had cancer at age 19.  Will eat about anything.  Drinks Mountain Dews one after another.  Raised in a Christian family.  He is a doer.  Doesn't like to sit around.  Fixed my plumbing:)

Has things he needs to work out so have put on hold.  We'll see. The chemistry is there but other things are not.  He was a great one to meet first.  Easy to talk to as he did most of the talking:)
Life goes on.  

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Fish in the Sea...

were not what anyone is looking for.  They must have spotted a rookie a mile away because it took me some time to figure out what was going on.  To be brief about the first few chat sessions, they were unsuitable in every way imaginable.  Some I chatted with to be friendly which I learned is not the thing to do.  Some I chatted with to learn how to do this on-line thingy which was fun but not very profitable.  Last but not least, I learned not to respond to every Tom, Dick and Harry that sent a message of interest my way.  Got over the "do not want to be rude" aspect posthaste.  It took about two months before one caught my interest enough to talk to beyond the computer and telephone.  My dad often refers to himself as a dinosaur.  I can relate.  I too feel that way but about different issues.  Dating is one.  I would rather meet face to face, knee to knee, and hip to hip so I can see body language, the eyes, and all the other things that give you clues.  Over the computer, zippo.  They can tell you anything.  No filters, no reactions, zilch.  One thing I have learned is that it is easy to be brave behind the computer.  Whole different ball game on the phone.  Entirely different world when you actually meet after all that chatter.  Now, the fur is going to raise, fly, or vibrate.  Yikes!
Tomorrow, as my sis calls them - John One:)

Adventures of On-line Dating

I has been asked to blog about my various Adventures.  To protect the innocent, we will forgo names.  This whole adventure started after visiting my friend from the UP in Buford.  After talking with her, I came to some realizations about my life.  Basically, decided to get on with it:)
I have a sister who met her hubby on-line.  Someone said that they thought they were the most well-adjusted couple in the family. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. 
Anywho, decided to to go on this adventure.  Has been quite a roller coaster.  It has had many ups and downs.  Many of them before I ever decided to meet one contact.  
These sites do not screen people so one has to be very careful.  There are people who are sincere in their effort (a tad bit desperate), some who are looking for their "soul mate" (fat chance), some looking for the perfect person (never going to happen),  some looking for someone to complete them (if they aren't complete by now, they need to go to heaven), and some just looking around to see what they can stir up.
ME?  Well I posted a quote because I will not post a "shopping list" for a man.  That is just humiliating.  
Honest men esteem and value nothing so much in this
 world as a real friend.  Such a one is as it were another self, 
to whom we impart our most secret thoughts, who partakes of our 
joy, and comforts us in our affliction; add to this, 
that his company is an everlasting pleasure to us. -Bidpai

Most sites ask routine questions about what you like and don't like.  
  • My number one dislike is smoking.  Don't you know, they still send me one-to-one matches and the man smokes.  Sorry, but not into kissing ashtrays.  YUCKO!
  • Number two was the racial boundaries.  Not going there.  Need white or some pigment of white.  Not brown.  Again, I do not think they can read.  Every brown man on the site found my in-box.  When you tell them not interested, they start with the racial stuff.  OH MY HEAD!  Can you people not read?  It says no brown people need apply:)
  • Number three is the one where they all get in trouble.  I have heard every explanation of Christian you can think of.  Did not know there were so many.  This is where a debate could get started but when they start to justify, I know then and there all is not right in Denmark.
And we are just getting started!