Monday, October 13, 2008


this weekend. He cancelled via e-mail. Guess he is history.
Weird week for the "JOHN" saga. Old ones resurfacing and new
ones disappearing. I think I need to take a break and get away
from all of them:)
A gentlemen from NY comes to Atlanta frequently so wanted to
connect until I told him he had to drive into the mountains and I
wasn't open for a fling on the side. However, I did tell him I would
leave the light on , have chili ready, and a warm fire roaring.
Guess I should not be so blunt:)
A Knoxville man would not tell me anything about himself but
wanted to come to Blairsville. However, told him I was not sure
if he was legit. That was the end of him.
Another TN knothead told me I would wiggle and giggle if I
would only let him kiss me. Oh my head! Told him to get over
What an experience this has been but one thing for sure, I am
too honest with them and scares the heck out of them. I try to
read their "cues" they send but then they change so never quite
sure what to do. You usually hear that women are fickle - I
beg to differ. It is single men on the hunt. They are the worst!

Laugh yourselves silly. LOVE YOUS!

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