Monday, October 13, 2008


this weekend. He cancelled via e-mail. Guess he is history.
Weird week for the "JOHN" saga. Old ones resurfacing and new
ones disappearing. I think I need to take a break and get away
from all of them:)
A gentlemen from NY comes to Atlanta frequently so wanted to
connect until I told him he had to drive into the mountains and I
wasn't open for a fling on the side. However, I did tell him I would
leave the light on , have chili ready, and a warm fire roaring.
Guess I should not be so blunt:)
A Knoxville man would not tell me anything about himself but
wanted to come to Blairsville. However, told him I was not sure
if he was legit. That was the end of him.
Another TN knothead told me I would wiggle and giggle if I
would only let him kiss me. Oh my head! Told him to get over
What an experience this has been but one thing for sure, I am
too honest with them and scares the heck out of them. I try to
read their "cues" they send but then they change so never quite
sure what to do. You usually hear that women are fickle - I
beg to differ. It is single men on the hunt. They are the worst!

Laugh yourselves silly. LOVE YOUS!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

John Six

is a teacher whom I met two years ago. I remember faces. Anywho, he is retired from the Navy and currently teaching high school ROTC. A stable Christian but, in my opinion, not ready yet. His wife of seven months died of ovarian cancer. Yes, he knew she had it when they got married. He talked about it at length and got all choked up.
He talked about some other relationships. He did all the talking. I just listened and then out of the blue, oh, I need to check on my truck. Time to go. Was a tad bit interesting.
Anywho, next day e-mailed that I was sorry for invoking painful memories. His reply was rather brusque and rude. Wrote John number six off.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder what set him off?


John Five

was a short little registered nurse man who came up to about my shoulder. We met at Fatz. Did not even eat. Wasn't sure what his agenda was but the whole 2 hours was a little off. He was nice but definitely not my type. Had three dogs in his little SUV. Yuckies. He does foster animal sitting for the shelter until they can place them in homes. That was strike two. He also goes from job to job to job. Currently, he was between jobs. AS a nurse, he does not have trouble finding work, but someone who is constantly quitting and looking for a new job is unstable, at least in my mind:) STRIKE THREE.
He e-mailed later to see if I wanted to go hiking. Told him we had little in common. His reply was funny, "I wondered about that." Can you say a tad bit desperate?


John Four

If there was one that I could make my self get excited about, it would have been this one. However, he smokes. That was a deal breaker. Said he was quitting but still hasn't.
When he was coming to meet me, he was going to bring a load of wood. So funny. He actually brought me orange roses. Zoe loved them. He is the only one who has given me something.
He calls me Princess and Precious. Keep telling him I am the most un-"Princess" person on the planet. Princess type people do not have a finger with half a finger nail. Smashed it when trying to get my lawn tractor moving. That in itself is a long story:)
He would give me all the attention that I would ever want and more besides, but no vibe, he smokes. Not the greatest looking man but that would not bother me if the other two things were not issues. For some reason, on this meet and greet I was so nervous I could hardly stand myself. It got better after dinner when we started to drive. Relaxed a little. When he dropped me at my truck, he did not have a chance. I bolted. Was rather funny.
He still continues to IM and we talk. He is easy to talk to behind the computer:) As for potential, friends but not boy friend. I still may get the wood:)