Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Private Moment

Once in a blue moon, my brain slows down long enough to think about what is going on around me:) As each day passes, I realize that I have committed to growing old with someone once more. Most days, it is comforting. Other days, it scares the crap out of me. Not sure if this is normal, but normality is not something I specialize in.

However, when I count all the positive influences in OUR lives, I am overwhelmed by the gift of a second chance God has given all of us :) OUT

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Just checking to see if anyone still actually looks at anything on here :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Not to digress...

but John Number seven was a waste.  What is wrong with me?  Oh, well.  Live and learn.  Just to give you an idea of his thought process.  We talked about a number of odd things but I always tell them up front, no sex.  I know.  Probably too direct but I want to take that off the table from the beginning.  He went into other venues that maybe could happen in lieu of acutal you know what.  Well, I informed him that there was one aspect of all that I would not and could not do.  He was flabbergasted and said he could not live without it.  So, I thought, OK. That is the end of that.  Did not hear from him for a couple of days, then a text or two.  Next thing I know, he says that he was willing to meet again?  Why?
Now that you are all laughing hysterically in unbelief, just know that I have gotten and education through this process in more ways than one.  Also, have found that men are actually more fickle than women.
Someone needs to do this for a specified period of time and write a book.  Would make excellent comic relief :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

John Eight

He's a keeper. We shall see how it goes but the chemistry is there.
Hot, hot, hot. Lives in Alabama. With this one, there will be meeting number two. Yeah!
With all he told me, etc., told him better be for real or I would kill him. Nothing like being direct, eh?

More later girls, but there is definitely potential with this one. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

John Seven

is complete. First, a little history. From SC, never married, a PK, 45 years old, forgetful, and a tad set in his ways. After some of the other experiences, it went well, thank goodness. However, after some talking, I have determined that he is basically looking for the perfect woman, and of course, it is not ME. He wants it his way and there is not much wiggle room. What will happen next? Check back :)